Yoga Spirit

Apr, 17 2019

There is freedom 
waiting for you, 
on the breezes of the sky, 
and you ask, 
“What if I fall?” 
Oh but my darling, 
what if you fly? 

-Erin Hanson-

Yoga is about understanding your mind and being in balance with yourself. One of the wonderful things about Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu is you have your own time to get to rediscover yourself. Our guests are more aware of their own wellbeing and they are increasingly looking for ways to incorporate elements of holistic wellness into their vacations.

For all yoga lovers, Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu is blessed with a naturally idyllic sunrise and sunset yoga setting. Our beautiful natural environment allows us to offer something truly unique when it comes to yoga. Our sunrise yoga class takes place at 8.30 am and sunset yoga class at 5.30 pm. 

Additionally, we offer dynamic yoga, pranayama yoga, ashtanga yoga, and traditional yoga, for the guests seeking to achieve the right balance in life. 

These yoga classes are conducted at the yoga hut by our in-house yogi, Mr. Dilmon, originating from the birthplace of yoga – India. Dilmon has been practicing yoga from an early age and has gained a great abundance and awareness for this great practice over the years. He starts off his day at the island with a soothing morning meditation mantra before heading out for work as our in-house yogi. In between, he also works in our spa as a trained ayurvedic therapist.

Dilmon’s favourite yoga pose is Bakasna or Crow Pose, since it creates a full body experience and fosters inner focus and concentration in the present. Crow Pose is an arm balance that looks scarier than it is to practice, as it challenges him to focus on lifting versus falling. Crow Pose encourages body consciousness and homing in on the mind-body-spirit connection while flying in the air. 

Next time you find yourself at Coco Palm, feel free to join Dilmon at his yoga sessions to cultivate a healthy body, quiet mind, open heart, and vibrant spirit!


Categories: Experiences Wellness